October 17, 2008


A cadastre (also spelled cadaster) is a comprehensive register of the Metes and bounds Real estate property of a country, and commonly includes details of the Ownership the Tenure the precise Location(some can include GPS coordinates), the dimensions (and area), the cultivations if rural and the Value of individual parcels of land.

The word came into English language by way of French and Italian, variously attributed to the Late Latin capitastrum, a register of the Poll tax and the Greek κατάστιχον [katastikhon], a list or register, from κατά στίχον [kata stikhon], literally, "down the line", in the sense of "line by line" along the directions and distances between the corners mentioned and marked by monuments in the metes and bounds.

It gives rise to the adjective cadastral, used in Public administration primarily for ownership and Taxation purposes. The terminology used for cadastral divisions may include County Parish (subnational entity)Riding (division), Hundred (division) ,Section (United States land surveying), Lot (real estate) , Block and City block.

Cadastral surveys are used to document land ownership, by the production of documents, diagrams, sketches, Plan, charts, and maps. They were originally used to ensure reliable facts for land valuation and taxation. An example from early England is the Domesday Book. Napoleon established a comprehensive cadastral system for France which is regarded as the forerunner of most modern versions. Cadastral survey information is often a base element in Geographic/Land Information systems used to assess and manage land and built infrastructure. Such systems are also employed on a variety of other tasks, for example, to track long-term changes over time for geological or ecological studies, where land tenure is a significant part of the senario.

A cadastral map is a map showing the boundaries and ownership of land parcels. Some cadastral maps show additional details, such as survey district names, unique identifying numbers for parcels, certificate of title numbers, positions of existing structures, section and/or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps.
In most countries legal systems have developed around the original administrative systems and use the cadastre as a means of defining the dimensions and location of land parcels described in legal documentation. This leads to the use of the cadastre as a fundamental source of data in disputes and lawsuits between landowners.

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